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Hello, peace and blessings be upon you. 

I’m Ayda Risilia, founder of Wholesome & Holistic Health. I’m a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and a qualified Pilates Instructor. I’m an Australian currently living in the UAE.

I’m a mother and wife, and my two little boys are the reason I started my journey into this health realm.

I live a wholesome and holistic lifestyle and believe that wellness is rooted in a wholefood based, nutrient rich diet that not only nourishes the body, but also the mind, heart and soul. 

My goal as a Holistic Health Coach is to share my knowledge, expertise and passion, to inspire and motivate others to create lasting changes that allow them to live life with ease and find true inner peace.

My role isn’t to transform you, but to give you the tools and practices to support and guide you to a place where you can transform yourself.

If you’d like to get started on your health and wellness journey, please get in touch .

Ayda x 

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