Benefits – Brazilian super fruit AÇAI

What is it, what are the benefits and how to pronounce it?

A delectable Brazilian super fruit that’s loaded with nutrition and flavor. It’s high antioxidant value makes the Açai fruit stand out. The natural sweetness tastes like a blend of berries and chocolate and so versatile to add into your smoothies, granola, muesli and even in your baking.

This tropical superfood helps with digestion, promotes skin health and glow, stops bad cell proliferation, promotes heart health and balance cholesterol levels, aids weight loss- just to name a few!

How to pronounce açai? “ahh-sah-ee”

I’ve had mine with a blend of bananas and oats, hemp seeds, chia seeds, blueberries, goji berries and desiccated coconut 


Benefits – Amazonian superfood Cacao

