Benefits – Amazonian superfood Cacao

Cacao is the raw component derived from the bean of a cacao tree. The cacao bean is used to make cacao or cocoa powder. Raw cacao is fermented and sun-dried.

Raw Organic Fairly Traded Cacao has bountiful benefits.

  • It packs in more calcium than cow's milk.

  • It’s one of the highest sources of zinc, iron and antioxidants and beneficial amino acids.

  • Full of magnesium for a healthy heart and brain • Studies show consuming cacao can help with issues such as depression, stress, blood pressure and heart health.

According to the World Health Organisation, heart related concerns are the number one cause of death globally. Consuming 200mg of cacao flavanols for seven days, equating to two teaspoons of Aduna Super-Cacao per day, improves blood vessel dilation between 1-2% which means less stress on the heart muscle and improved blood flow in the whole body.

My personal favourite and most simple and delicious way of using raw cacao powder is in a chia seed pudding!


Gua Sha & Jade Roller


Benefits – Brazilian super fruit AÇAI