Cold Pressed Juicing

I absolutely love juicing! One of my best investments would have to be my @modappliances cold-pressed juicer.

Do you know why cold pressed is best and the benefits? Let me explain..

In the cold-press juicing process, no heat is used to extract the juice, meaning there is no loss in nutrients, enzymes, or vitamins in the raw juice. There is an abundance of health benefits when it comes to cold-pressed juicing like increased energy, depending on the ingredients used it can be anti-inflammatory, assists in detoxing and gut cleansing. It’s full of nutrients therefore it helps reduce toxins in your body, weight loss and weight management, lowers cholesterol, boosts the immune system with vitamin C and helps fight against diseases.

Cold pressed juices are more potent than your regular juice as it lacks the fibrous pulp of the whole fruits and vegetables, and the body doesn’t have to break down the fibre in the digestive system before being able to be used. The nutrients immediately enter the body and start getting to work giving you instantaneous vitality. The juicing options and flavours are endless, and you can get creative with different ingredients to suit your health needs.

What is your favourite juice recipe and do you juice often? Share in the comments


Day of Ashura
