I’ve been doing Reformer Pilates with @kxpilates for 6 years and I absolutely love it. After giving birth to my first born in 2015 I wanted to try something new. A different type of workout.
I was over what I had been doing for years which was boxing, cardio and PT sessions. I saw great results but I wanted to change and sculpt my post baby body. I wanted to focus on areas that I previously didn’t need much work on. I joined at my local reformer studio and boy did I leave motivated, energised and inspired.

After one session I left knowing I’d be back! Fast forward to 6 years of doing Reformer Pilates, 2 kids later and I’ve seen phenomenal results. I’ve lost over 20kgs (baby weight) I’ve toned and sculpted. I’ve joined and completed 4 KX challenges. I’ve physically achieved my goals but most importantly I’ve mentally and spiritually hit bigger and better goals just by including Reformer Pilates in my life.

It’s not just a workout. It’s more than that. It’s a lifestyle change. It’s “me” time. It’s the perfect 50-minute killer workout. If you’ve done Reformer Pilates, you’ll know what I’m talking about! For me working out doesn’t come easily. I’ve always enjoyed working out but never liked pushing myself. I was never in the right mind frame to make big moves. Reformer and Barre entered my life at a time I needed it most. It’s hard getting out of bed at 6am in the cold or after a long hot summer’s day booking in to an 8pm class but once you get there, the endorphins kick in and you think to yourself, how did I even consider not attending!

I love this. I love how I feel. I love how I eat. How I sleep. How I think. Just by working out I feel better and then I do better. For those who have been sceptical to give reformer a go – please have it on your must start list for 2021

Over the years I felt so inspirited that in 2020, I did my certificate IV with Breathe Education and became a Pilates Instructor and bought my own reformer from KX Northcote. It has been the best investments!

Hope you’re motivated to try something different this year.


Cold Pressed Juicing


Let’s talk about juicing