School Holidays

To get my boys through the school holidays. All their favourite snacks to fuel their body and help nourish their little bellies.
Fresh organic fruit and veg for vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Nuts and seeds for brain health, omega 3’s, zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium and folate.
Dried fruit for fibre, eye and skin health.
^ just to name a few incredible benefits of having fruit, veg, nuts, seeds and fried fruit.

A wholesome platter like this can be made for the little ones and adults to snack on throughout the day and you’ll feel good knowing your little ones are snacking on natures delights without the added sugars, preservatives and chemicals- instead all loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, all 9 amino acids and good fats that all aid in heart and gut health.

It’s always a big hit serving plant based platters in our home and whatever is left of the fruit and nuts I add in to a smoothie with spinach, almond milk, coconut yogurt, frozen berries, chia seeds and probiotics + coconut water if I have any on hand.

Hope everyone’s having a lovely start to the Autumn school holidays and surviving the chaos, it’s W - I - L - D on our end and I’ve locked up the sweets and snacks drawer cause these boys don’t need any sugar.


My 3pm ‘pick me up’