Skin Care with Synthesis Organics

Non toxic, organic and Australian @synthesisorganics are my go to and fave skincare products:

I’ve been using the Synthesis products for 9 months now and I couldn’t be happier. I absolutely love skincare. I love to look after my skin with a healthy balanced diet, water, regular exercise, natural remedies, monthly facials AND a home care regime.

I chose Synthesis for many reasons; Skincare/makeup is applied a couple of times a day and absorbed into our body, therefor it has to be as pure and clean as possible with ingredients safe enough to eat.

For the sake of our health and wellbeing, we need to nourish our skin with all it needs to function at its best, and not burden it with more toxins to eliminate.

When a product is labelled ‘natural’ or ‘chemical free’ it still carries pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic toxins which only non-organic ingredients are exposed to. I’m happy to have found this delicately beautiful brand to use daily on my skin without the fear of my largest organ – my skin ingesting toxins and chemicals.


Let’s talk about juicing


Gua Sha & Jade Roller