Beetroot Juice


3-4 red apples
1/2 a watermelon (can do a whole watermelon)
1 lemon
6-8 beetroots


Watermelon is rich in Vitamin A & C and loaded with antioxidants, high electrolyte- which means watermelon hydrates blood and lymphatic system, detoxes and cleanses the digestive system and the entire body on a cellular level. Watermelon significantly reduces inflammation, helps flush out edema, aids in weightloss and boosts the immune system.
Watermelon is one of the most alkalizing foods.

Apples are good source of Vitaminc C & K while being the ultimate colon cleanser. Very hydrating on a cellular level, provides trace minerals and electrolytes. Apples detox heavy metals and radiation from the body and help the body recover from stress as apples calm the system by reducing viral and bacterial loads that create inflammation. Apples regulate blood sugar, repair damaged skin, purify the organs and improve circulation in your lymphatic system.

Beetroot is high in Vitamin K, A, B-6 and Iron. Beetroot has super antioxidant properties and helps suppress inflammation. Beets are high in fibre, highly beneficial in regulating the digestive system and eases bowel movement. Beetroot naturally detoxifies and cleansers the body from toxins, purifies the blood, skin, liver and boosts functionality of the body.

Lemons are a great source of Vitamin C. Lemons reverse sluggish fatty liver, breaks down mould, fungus and yeast. Lemons purify the lymphatic system, aids in weight-loss (mixed with hot or warm water) or weight control. Lemons help improve your digestive health, reduce your risk of anemia, kidney stones, heart disease and cancer.

Beetroot Juice

Pumpkin Soup


Kimchi (non) fried rice