Kimchi (non) fried rice

First time making this dish and we all enjoyed it. It’s a Thermomix recipe however I only cooked the brown rice in the thermo and made the veggies in my Le Creuset cast iron skillet over the stove top. I had my sister over for dinner and wanted to show her how it’s made. Super easy and one of the best Asian rice dishes I’ve ever had.


3 garlic cloves
•3 cm piece fresh ginger
2 tsp olive oil
1 tbsp tamari
300 g brown rice
2 carrots, cut into matchsticks
1 bunch of chopped bokchoy
100g kimchi
1 red capsicum, deseeded and cut into thin slices
1 spring onion (to garnish)
1 tbsp sesame seeds (to garnish)


In a saucepan / skillet add oil, crushed ginger, minced garlic and tamari and sautée on a medium heat for a few minutes, then add in carrots, capsicum and bokchoy and cook for 10 minutes on a low heat.
Once veggies have softened a little add in the kimchi and cook for a further 5 minutes then turn off and heat.

Moving on to the brown rice.. I used my Thermomix to make the brown rice but anyway you want to cook the brown rice will work. Once the brown rice and cooked perfectly mix the greens in with the rice.
Garnish with sesame seeds and spring onion.

Kimchi (non) fried rice

Beetroot Juice


Chia Pudding