Lentil Salad


2 cups of cooked (boiled) brown lentils
1/4 white cabbage chopped finely
1/4 purple cabbage chopped finely
2 carrots chopped in to small pieces
3 celery sticks chopped in to small pieces
1/2 red capsicum chopped finely
1 sprig of spring onion chopped finely
A big bunch of parsley chopped finely (1/2 cup or so)
Juice of 1 lemon
2-3 heaped tablespoons of vinegar
1 heaped tablespoon of olive oil
Salt to taste


Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and store keep in the fridge. It makes the perfect crunchy side salad to have with lunch or dinner, in a wrap or to simply have as if.

Lentil Salad

Chia Pudding


Hearty vegetable soup