Stuffed Veggies


Filling ingredients:

1 cup of jasmine rice
1/2 onion (chopped finely)
1/2 tomato (chopped finely)
1 cheek of a red capsicum (chopped finely)
Bunch of chopped dill, parsley and mint
1 tablespoon of tomato paste
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 teaspoon of paprika
Salt & pepper to taste

For on top:

2 tablespoons of tomato paste
Handful of mint

All time favourite dish- stuffed ANYTHING! Today I made stuffed Lebanese zucchini, baby graffiti eggplant and rolled silverbeet. I used the same filling for all 3 and cooked it over the stove top.


Prepare the filling but combining all ingredients.

Stuff and roll veggies and place in a pot side by side tightly and some on top. In a jar/jug add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, mint and salt with 2-3 cups of water and pour over stuffed veggies (depending on how much you are making I only made enough to feed 2 people). Let it cook on a low heat for 30-45 minutes.

Stuffed Veggies

Coconut Banana Choc Chip muffins


Chocolate CAKE (refined sugar free)